Welcome to the Friends of Greece

The mission of The Friends of Greece is to promote the common good and general welfare of citizens of the United States and Greece (see mission statement here).  We believe that confidence in the rule of law and the integrity of economic statistics are important foundations for a healthy, prosperous, and productive society.  If you have found your way to this blog, you are likely to feel the same way.

These pages contain a repository of information about the ongoing public criticism, civil and criminal charges that have been levied against Andreas Georgiou and others who produced official Greek government statistics from 2010 to 2015.  For a comprehensive introduction, the International Statistics Institute maintains a document that provides a chronological summary of the court proceedings from 2011 to 2018.  Editorials in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and The Economist provide brief introductions to the saga.  This blog page contains our catalogued and searchable repository.

We hope that this compilation illuminates the truth of these matters, and that it helps you to be an informed and effective advocate for the value of international statistical standards and an impartial and effective judicial system in Greece.

The Council of Europe: Communication from Greece concerning the case of Georgiou v. Greece

The Council of Europe published a communication from the Greek government on the actions taken in response to the judgment by the EU Court of Human Rights that Andreas’ Georgiou was denied the right to a fair trial. Read the English language document here.

American Statistical Association: Georgiou Requests Reopening of ‘Violation of Duty’ Case

The American Statistical Association reports on actions from Andreas Georgiou in response to the judgment from the European Court of Human Rights that Georgiou was denied the right to a fair trial. Read the English Language article here.

To Vima: Ανδρέας Γεωργίου: Οι τίτλοι τέλους σε ένα δικαστικό θρίλερ [Andreas Georgiou: The end credits in a legal thriller]

Dimitra Krustalli writes for the Greek publication To Vima, explaining the reversal of the Greek government’s appeal of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. Read the Greek language article here. Read the google translate version in English language here.

Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Griechische Regierung lenkt im Streit mit Statistiker ein.” [“Greek government gives in in dispute with statistician.”]

Frankfurter Allgemeine reports on the decision of the Greek government to withdraw their appeal of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. Read the original German language article here. Read it in English (google translate) at this link.

Liberal: “Το βαθύ παρακράτος είναι εδώ” [The deep state is here]

The Greek publication Liberal reviews the decision of the interim Greek government to appeal the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. Read the original Greek language article here. Read an English language version (Google translate) here.

Kathimerini: Georgiou case: Gov’t withdraws ECHR appeal. [Ανδρέα Γεωργίου: Ανακλήθηκε το αίτημα για επανεξέταση]

The newsroom of Kathimerini reports that the Greek government has withdrawn its appeal of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights. Read the English language article here. Read the Greek language article here.

Kathimerini – A black spot in the Greek judiciary / Μία μαύρη κηλίδα στην ελληνική Δικαιοσύνη

Miranda Xafa summarizes the recent developments in the Georgiou case for Kathimerini.  Read here in English and here in Greek.

Kathimerini: Ο διάλογος μεταξύ ελληνικών δικαστηρίων και του ΔΕΕ. [The dialogue between Greek courts and the CJEU]

Vasilis Scouris reviews the mechanisms whereby national judicial systems raise questions about European Law, and describes the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights about the Georgiou trial for violation of duty in this context.

Read the Greek language article here. Read a google translate version in English here.

Kathimerini: Οταν η Δικαιοσύνη πολιτεύεται [When justice becomes political]

Ioanna Mandrou. Ioanna Mandrou writes for Kathimerini about the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the Georgiou saga. Read the Greek language article here. Read a google translate version in English here.